As Salaamu Alaykum. Thank you for visiting the official Masjidu Ahlis Sunnah website.

The Islamic Center of America

Our History

In 1981, the Islamic Center of America was founded as Masjid Rawdatullah-The Islamic Center of East Orange, for the sole purpose of providing the Muslims with a place to worship Allah. In 1983, The Muslim community purchased a 5,000 square foot building to accommodate Islaam’s growth in East Orange, New Jersey

Our Mission

The mission of the Islamic Center of America is to provide the facilities and the means, to the best of its ability, that will allow the Muslims, regardless of race, gender or nationality, to worship Allaah alone without ascribing partners in worship with Him by learning, practicing and calling to pure Islam all together in unity, without partisanship or division

Our Vision

As the Center was founded by a group of Muslims, all of whom voluntarily embraced Islam, the primary concern for them, as is for most Muslims in America, regardless of whether they embrace Islam or immigrated to this country as Muslims, is to preserve Islam and the Sunnah in their lives and the lives of their offspring. Our vision here at the Islamic Center

Our Facilities

The Islamic Center has a 25,000 sq. ft. masjid 19,00 sq. ft. prayer area . We also have 2 men’s wudoo rooms (22 wudoo stations) , 1 Women’s Wudoo Rooms (5 Wudoo Stations)
and 4 Administrative Offices.

Masjid Report

Of all the Masaajid founded in America, only 25% were founded before The Islamic Center of America Masjidu Ahlis Sunnah. The State of New Jersey ranks fifth amongst the states regarding the number of Masaajid in the state.

Our Imam

Imam Abu Muslimah first heard of Islam from Imam Abdul Wali Muhammad, the Imam of Masjidullah of Plainfield, NJ in 1976. He later embraced Islam in 1978 through relationships with the Haqq family of Bait Quraish, a Muslim group from Newark, NJ.