Uniform Policy at Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah
At Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah, our school uniform policy reflects our commitment to fostering a sense of community, discipline, and pride among our students. Uniforms help create a focused learning environment and minimize distractions.
- Students are expected to wear the designated uniform every school day.
- Uniforms should be clean and in good condition.
- Non-compliance with the uniform policy may result in a reminder or a request to change into appropriate attire
Uniform Guidelines
Uniforms: The dress code will be strictly enforced. If students don’t comply, they will not be permitted to attend school.
- White, Navy blue, or back thoub (cleaned and ironed)
- Navy blue, khaki pants hemmed above the ankle.
Gym Uniform (to be worn only during gym days)
- Black sweat pants above the ankle, with clean and laced sneakers.
- White T-shirt.
- A white or navy blue thoub must be worn over the gym uniform on gym days!
- Black or navy blue closed front over-garment
- White, black, or navy blue khimar (if under scarf is worn, it must be white, black, or navy blue.)
Gym Uniform (Only to be worn during gym days)
- Black sweat pants with clean and laced sneakers.
- White T-shirt.
- All sisters must wear an over-garment on gym days!
- All pants must be hemmed above ankles. No cuffed or rolled up pants permitted.
- No Qaza’ haircuts (Quza’ is to have some of the hair shaved and some not e.g. a tight fade)
- No jewelry, with the exception of one ring, can be worn.
- During cold weather months, brothers will only be permitted to wear a white, black, or navy sweater over their thoubs (No hoodies, jackets, or printed sweaters, unless school issued)
- No twist, dreadlocks, or knotty hairstyles
- Sisters are to wear a completely closed over-garment at all times
- No shoes are to be worn that make noise when a sister walks in them (e.g. high heels or clogs)
- Shoes are also to be completely tied and lace
- Any sister that wears a niqaab to school must wear it all day. Sisters are not allowed to remove their niqqabs when walking in the halls.
- Open display of jewelry will not be permitted
- During the cold-weather months, sisters will only be permitted to wear loose-fitting, white, black, or navy sweaters over their over-garments (No hoodies, jackets, or printed sweaters, unless school issued)