Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah: Forms
Welcome to the Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah forms page. Below, you will find various forms related to our programs, events, and services. Please download and complete the required forms, then submit them as instructed. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us.
Parent Resources
We believe in strong communication between the school and our families. Parents can easily stay updated on their child’s academic progress and school events through:
- Weekly Newsletters: Sent every Friday with updates on school activities and announcements.
- Parent Portal (Gradelink): Access grades, homework assignments, and school notices.
- Parent-Teacher Communication: We encourage regular meetings with teachers to discuss your child’s development.
Important Information:
Any policy that the school adopts, anytime thereafter, will be considered accepted after ten business days or when amendments are provided to parents/guardians. Please post any objections before the end of the ten days. Should parents/guardians choose not to accept the policy or object to the amendments for any reason, Madarasatu Ahlis Sunnah reserves the right to prohibit the student from attending the school until the parent/guardian withdraws the student or accepts the school policy in writing.